964/9DSOS Till end of stock

Atributi proizvoda

  • Tool tray dimension: 188 x 364 x 30 mm
  • Compatible with drawers of Eurostyle, Eurovision, Euromotion, Europlus and Hercules (front drawers) line

Set includes:

  • 4x TBI screwdriver with TX profile  (article 621TBI) dim. TX 6, TX 7, TX 8, TX 9
  • 2x TBI crosstip (PH) screwdriver (article 615TBI) dim. PH 1x80, PH 2x100
  • 2x TBI double-crosstip (PZ) screwdriver (article 625TBI) dim. PZ 1x80, PZ 2x100
Naziv proizvoda SKU Članak Dimenzije Količina Težina
Set TBI izvijača u SOS ulošku 621561 964/9DSOS - 8 670
Izvijač Torx TBI 621TBI TX 6, TX 7, TX 8, TX 9 4
Izvijač križni (PH) TBI 615TBI PH 1x80, PH 2x100 2
Izvijač križni (PZ) TBI 625TBI PZ 1x80, PZ 2x100 2
SOS uložak za art. 964/9DSOS vl964/9DSOS 188x364x30 1
* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.

Safety tips

  • Use a screw holding screwdriver to get screws started in awkward, hard-to-reach areas.
  • Use a stubby screwdriver in close quarters where a conventional screwdriver cannot be used.
  • A rounded tip should be redressed with a file; make sure edges are straight.
  • Screwdrivers used in the shop are best stored in a rack. This way, the proper selection of the right screwdriver can be quickly made.
  • Keep the screwdriver handle clean; a greasy handle is apt to cause accidents.
  • A screwdriver should never be used as pry bar. If it is overstressed in this manner, the blade might break and send a particle of steel into the operator's arm or even towards his eyes.
  • Don't use pliers on the handle of a screwdriver to get extra turning power. A wrench should only be used on the square shank or bolster of a screwdriver that is especially designed for that purpose.
  • Don't expose a screwdriver blade to excessive heat as it may reduce the hardness of the blade.
  • Don't use a screwdriver with a split or broken handle.
  • Don't use a regular screwdriver to check a storage battery or to determine if an electrical circuit is live.
  • Za početnike i profesionalce

    Garniture alata sadrže različite tipove ključeva, kliješta, odvijača, turpija, čekića, izbijača, sjekača i drugih alata te predstavljaju odličan izbor za vrhunske, iskusne majstore kao i pravi izbor za početnike.
  • Pomno osmišljen raspored

    Sastav različitih garnitura alata temelji se na iskustvima dugoročne suradnje sa lokalnim profesionalnim korisnicima Unior alata. Prilikom definiranja sastava garnitura uzeli smo u obzir zahtjeve pojedinih područja djelatnosti i vodili računa da izabrani setovi predstavljaju kvalitetan, razuman i cjenovno privlačan izbor.
  • Jednostavan odabir

    Garniture sastavljene od alata tipično povezanih po primjeni predstavljaju jednostavan izbor za korisnike. Električari, auto-mehaničari, auto-limari, oslikavatelji vozila, računalni tehničari i mnogi drugi profesionalci vjeruju iskustvu na kojem se temelji Uniorov odabir garnitura alata.