Kliješta kombinirana
Više o proizvodu
DIN EN IEC 60900 (VDE 0682-201):2019-04; EN IEC 60900:2018
Atributi proizvoda
- materijal: poseban alatni čelik
- kovana, potpuno poboljšana i ojačana
- rezni rubovi induktivno kaljeni
- čeljusti polirane
- završna obrada: kromiranje po standardu ISO 1456:2009
- robusne ručke izolirane dvokomponentnim navlakama
- izrađena prema standardu ISO 5746 i EN IEC 60900

sposobnost rezanja (10N=1kg)
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
610421 | 160 | 1,6 | 2,0 |
610422 | 180 | 1,8 | 2,5 |
610423 | 200 | 2,0 | 2,5 |
610424 | 220 | 2,0 | 3,0 |
* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.
Safety tips

- Pliers should be oiled regularly. A drop of oil at the hinge will lengthen the tool life and assure easy operation.
- When cutting wire with pliers, you should always wear glasses or goggles.

- Don't use pliers for cutting hardened wire, unless specifically manufactured for this purpose.
- Don't expose pliers to excessive heat. This may ruin the tool.
- Don't use pliers as a hammer.
- Don't hammer on the handles. They may crack or break.
- Don't extend the length of plier handles to secure greater leverage.
- Don't use pliers on nuts or bolts. A wrench will do a better job and with less risk of damage to the fastener.
Questions & Answers
Are certified insulated tools made through a different procedure than non-certified insulated tools?The tools are made according to the same procedure.
Are insulated (VDE) tools considered as personal protective equipment (PPE)?According to EU regulations, VDE tools are not considered as PPE.
Is it possible to work with insulated pliers under electrical voltage?Yes, but only by professionals who follow safety requirements and use additional personal protective equipment.
Are the VDE tools only being sampled in series production?The high voltage test (at 10kV) is performed fully on each tool. Other tests are performed in accordance with the EN60900 standard.
Vrhunska zaštita
Uniorov izolirani VDE alat osigurava potpunu zaštitu čak i kada se koristi pri naponu do 1000 V. Sigurnost svakog individualnog Uniorovog VDE alata temeljito se ispituje putem testova: test otpornosti na plamen, testovi izolacije i provodljivosti, test otpornosti na udar i test otpornosti žiga.Čelik vrhunske kvalitete
Izolirani ključevi, kliješta, škare, odvijači i ostali alati za rad pod naponom izrađeni su od visokokvalitetnog alatnog čelika, sa dodatnom zaštitom, a dizajnirani su za jednostavno i sigurno korištenje.VDE propisi
VDE alati su izolirani i ispitani u skladu s VDE propisima. Unior alat za rad pod naponom zadovoljava sve zahtjeve međunarodno priznatog europskog standarda EN 60900.