Pit box work bench
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Product features
We proudly present Unior PITBOX - an innovative mobile workstation, specially designed for moto enthusiasts! Developed in close collaboration with renowned moto expert Robert Pogorelc, PITBOX is the perfect solution for individuals, amateur, and professional teams in the moto industry. Unior PITBOX offers freedom of movement and enough space for all your needs. Designed with functionality and practicality in mind, it provides ample workspace for storing tools and larger items.No more compromises! PITBOX allows you to customize the work surface according to your needs. You can choose between wooden, plastic, metal, or inox plates, ensuring complete flexibility and functionality. Whether in moto pits or workshops, Unior PITBOX will become an indispensable part of your equipment. Not only does it facilitate your work, but it also improves organization and efficiency in maintaining moto vehicles.Why is the PITBOX cart indispensable for all moto enthusiasts?
- In addition to its size, it is characterized by a raised edge that ensures tools and small parts do not fall out of the cart.
- It contains 7 standard drawers, providing just enough space for an organized and tidy work environment and tool storage.
- The center drawer with doors and an adjustable shelf provides enough space for storing larger items and work equipment.
- On the right side, there is a special space intended for a roll of paper towels, and next to it, there is also a pull-out bin for waste.
- On the back of the cart, an electrical cable and a hose for compressed air connection are installed.
- On the front side, you will find two standard electrical outlets, a retractable electrical cable (5m), and a retractable hose (5m) for compressed air.
- All four, 360° swivel wheels have a diameter of 125 mm, ensuring perfect maneuverability and positioning of the cart; one wheel is equipped with a brake and one with a direction lock.
- In the lower part of the cart, there are four panels that obscure the view of the wheels and give the cart an even more aesthetic look. The panels can be lifted before moving and are magnetically attached back to the corners of the cart.
- Practical grooves are located on the left and right sides of the cart for mounting screwdriver and T-key holders.
- Frames for two temperature screens (above) and two for tire warmer cables (below) are prepared in advance. This allows you to upgrade and modernize your PITBOX cart with digital screens and tire warmers.

* Imazhet e produkteve janë simbolike. Të gjitha dimensionet janë në mm, pesha në gram.Të gjitha dimensionet e listuara mund të ndryshojnë në tolerancë.
Mbrojtja Sipërfaqja
Mjetet motoçikletë janë bërë prej çeliku të shkëlqyer përbërjen e përmirësuar. Disa modele të vijë me mbrojtje shtesë sipërfaqe krom.Teknologjia e re të përparuar
Përdorimi i metodave të reja teknologjike dhe materiale të kualitetit të lartë të rezultojë në mjetet me një hapësirë të gjatë jetës, harton sigurisë të siguruar vende pune riparim pa dëme, zgjidhjeve, efektivitetin shkëlqyer, materiale moderne dhe dizajn ergonomik sigurojë duket e mirë dhe përdorimin e sigurt.Materiale me cilësi të lartë
Mirë-menduar-out projektimin dhe prodhimin e saktë të parandaluar dëmtimin e objekteve duke u punuar në edhe nën një peshë të konsiderueshme. Me këto karakteristika, mjetet efektive UNIOR janë zgjedhja e duhur për mjeshtrit të cilët kërkojnë cilësi dhe mjete të qëndrueshme me një jetë të gjatë shërbimit.