Mobile control trolley with tool rack wall
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Atributi proizvoda
This mobile, adjustable, safe and stable trolley with a perforated wall ensures that you won't have to take any unnecessary transport routes during your work. It provides a tidy workplace, excellent accessibility to resources, basic tools and documentation. The perforated wall allows the installation of additional storage elements and improves the visibility of the workplace. The mobile control trolley features a portable work surface, and item security is ensured by a locking system. It is useful in workshops, production and everywhere in lean manufacturing (LMS).- materijal: PremiumPlUS lim
- working surface with mobile durable plate with buckle, size landscape A3
- raised edge for preventing plate slippage
- mobile phone stand
- holes for pen storage
- deepened storage surface for accessories
- 2 drawers L 563 x W 365 x H 70mm
- drawers can be modified with partitions set 940ES3A or 940ES3
- 2 storage surfaces in the lower part of the trolley
- ergonomic handle
- basic dimensions with handle and casters L 770 x W 460 x H 1669 mm
- sa sistemom zaključavanja
- kotači otporni na ulja i kiseline prečnika 100mm, jedan sa kočnicom, koja blokira rotaciju točka
- police s kugličnim vodilicama
- sintetičke podloge štite ladice i alat od oštećenja
- ekološki lak bez olova i kadmija
- maksimalni kapacitet svake ladice: 45kg
- ladice kompatibilne sa SOS alatima 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
- perforated back for hanging tools with standard Unior perforation

* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.
Upotreba (Video)
Safety tips

- Lock all your drawers before trying to roll the tool carriage into a new work area.
- Set the brakes on the locking casters after you have rolled the cabinet to your work area.
- Treat you tool carriage, tool chests, or tool boxes with respect.
- Always follow the prescribed max load capacity of individual drawers and the carriage as a whole.
- Always put heavier objects in the bottom drawers
- Always close drawers when not in use.
- Always follow manufacturer manual instructions regarding assembly and repair of your tools.

- Don't open two or more drawers at the same time, there is high chance of it tipping over.
- Don't throw tools into drawer, always put the tools in.
- Don't use an opened drawer as a working surface.
- Don't clean a lacquered surface with a solvent cleaner.
- Don't pull a tool carriage as you won't be able to see where you are headed. Push it in front of you so you can see where you are going.
- Don't stack a tool carriage with too many extra chests or tool trays; it may tip over at the most unexpected time.
- Don't roll a tool carriage with loose tools or parts on top of the carriage.
- Don't roll a tool carriage too quickly; a pot hole in the floor or some hardware on the floor may cause an accident.
- Don't overload the drawers; if you haven't got room for all of your tools, you need a larger tool carriage.
- Don't open up too many loaded drawers at a time; close each drawer before opening up another. Heavily loaded opened drawers are an invitation to tipping.
Kvalitetan čelični lim
Kolica za alat, sanduci, ormari i razne kutije za odlaganje alata, kao i radni stolovi, panoi, kuke i ostali pribor izrađeni su od kvalitetnog čeličnog lima. Lakirane površine otporne su na koroziju i ogrebotine. Ova oprema je praktički neuništiva.Inovativan dizajn
Sveobuhvatno poznavanje radnih zahtjeva različitih poslova lokalnih profesionalaca rezultiralo je izradom radne opreme koja nudi veliku dostupnost, pregledno odlaganje alata i bolju vidljivost u svakom trenutku.Preglednost odlaganja alata
Svojom preglednošću i lakom dostupnošću, Unior radna oprema omogućava vam da svoju radionu održavate urednom te da na taj način povećavate vlastitu produktivnost.