Описание товара

Dimensions and Specifications:

  • основные размеры верстака Д 1500 х Ш 750 х В 2025 мм
  • Weight Capacity: 1000kg
  • The work surface made of beech plywood, 40mm thick, ensures that your work surface remains durable, reliable, and undamaged during everyday use.
  • Two drawer cabinet, one wide and one narrow, together offer 12 storage drawers. The drawer width is aligned with the Unior SOS tool trays system.
  • Perforated Back Panel, spanning the entire width of the workbench, it can be used with accessories such as hooks and tool holders (not included) to extend storage space. Includes LED lighting for sufficient workspace illumination and a handy parapet channel for charging accessories, bike components, electric tools, or personal electronics.

Unior 990TW Wooden Bench Top Features:

  • The work surface made of beech plywood, 40mm thick, ensures that your work surface remains durable, reliable, and undamaged during everyday use.
  • The wooden work surface can be protected with an additional stainless steel cover, which is available as an option.
  • Worktop dimensions: Length 1.5m, Depth 75cm

Unior 990ND6LC100 Tool Chest Features:

  • Heavy-duty Construction: Made from high-quality Premium PLUS steel, the tool cabinet offers exceptional durability and stability.
  • Six narrow Drawers: Each cabinet provides ample storage (total volume 145L) space for tools of various sizes, ensuring that everything you need is within easy reach.
  • Smooth Operation: Equipped with ball-bearing slides, the drawers open and close smoothly, even when fully loaded.
  • Drawer dimensions; 4 x L 374 x W 570 x H 70mm, 1x L 564 x W 605 x H 150mm, 1x L 564 x W 605 x H 230mm
  • Drawer Capacity: Each drawer can hold up to 100kg.
  • Secure Storage: Central locking system ensures that your tools are safe and secure when not in use.
  • Elegant Design: Finished in a stylish blue-grey color combination, the tool cabinet adds a professional and modern look to your workshop.

Unior 990PNE Power support for modular work bench

  • Elevate your workshop experience with the 990PNE Power Support Cabinet, where functionality meets reliability. Power Support Cabinet is designed to enhance the functionality of your workshop with unparalleled convenience and efficiency.
  • Crafted from premium PLUS sheet metal for durability and longevity
  • Includes two reels, electric cable and hose for compressed air with stop and spring return function for hassle-free operation.
  • The electric cable reel features a 13m cable suitable for 220V, ensuring ample reach and power supply.
  • Compressed air hose reel includes a 10m hose on the reel, and an additional 3m hose to connect to the air compressor or system. The hose’s outer diameter is 12mm and it uses 1/4" connector, providing optimal airflow with a max. working pressure of 7 bars.
  • The bottom part of the cabinet is dedicated to storage and closed with lockable metal door.

Unior 990BIN Cleaning Support

  • This cleaning element is designed to optimize waste organization and the efficient use of paper, significantly contributing to a neat and productive workspace.
  • Crafted from premium PLUS sheet metal for durability and longevity
  • Includes two drawers:
  • The upper drawer is designed for storing a paper roll with a maximum diameter of 270 mm and a length of 380 mm. There is a space at the back of the drawer for an additional paper roll.
  • The lower drawer contains two divided containers for waste with a total volume of 50 liters. The first container allows waste to be disposed of through the flap door at the front of the drawer.

Unior Perforated Back panel with light and parapet channel

  • Perforated Back Panel is made from premium PLUS sheet metal and coated with the eco color of Qualicoat quality standard, ensuring both durability and a sleek appearance. Spanning the entire width of the 2m workbench, this versatile back panel can be used with accessories such as hooks, tool holders and overhead cabinet to get the most out of additional storage space. This back panel includes integrated LED lighting for optimal workspace illumination and a convenient parapet channel for charging accessories, bike components, electric tools, or personal electronics.
  • материал: листовая сталь Premium Plus
  • Eco color of Qualicoat quality standard
  • Dimensions: L 1500 x H 1155mm
  • The shelf with holders extends across the entire width of the workbench and is securely mounted to the columns. It can be adjusted to various heights and positioned at two angles: perpendicular to the perforated back or at a 12-degree incline. The shelf has a load capacity of 50 kg.
  • The 1.5m wide holder for storage bins provides storage space across the entire width of the workbench, featuring rear mounting for the bins.
  • LED lighting with a lifetime of 25000 hours and color temperature of 4000K
  • Parapet channel compatible with OBO STD-D0 Modul 45 plugs

Why Choose Unior:

  • Unior is a renowned brand in the industry, celebrated for its dedication to quality and innovation. With a legacy of excellence, Unior tools are crafted to meet the highest standards, ensuring reliability and outstanding performance.
  • Elevate your workspace with the Unior workshop equipment. Experience the perfect blend of functionality, durability, and style for all your workshop needs.
Наименование товара SKU Артикул Размеры Количество масса
Модульный верстак - модель A18 627656 990MA18 1,5 m 15 247400
Тумба инструментальная узкая, 6 ящиков 990ND6LC100 475x650x870 1
Тумба модульного верстака с оборудованием для подведения питания 990PNE 475x650x870 1
Деревянная столешница 990TW 1500x750x40 1
Панель перфорированная, набор из 2 штук 990B 1436x1018 1
Тумба модульного верстака с оборудованием для уборки рабочего места 990BIN 475x650x870 1
Держатель с консолью, для осветительного прибора 990HL 1467 1
Держатель-подвес для пластиковых ящиков 990HPB 1500 1
Навесной модуль с кабель-каналом 990HPC 1467x53x131 1
Светильник 990LIGHT 1200 1
Полка с кронштейнами 990SHELF 1500 1
Стойка, левая 990SL 32x45x1155 1
Стойка, правая 990SR 32x45x1155 1
Пластиковый ящик, набор из 3 шт. PB.990HPB 235x155x125 (3x) 3
* Изображения продуктов носят демонстрационный характер. Все размеры указаны в миллиметрах, вес в граммах.

Сопутствующие товары

Часто задаваемые вопросы

  • Как выровнить верстак? Пол в мастерской не совсем ровный.
    Его можно выровнять с помощью входящего в комплект клина из ПВХ.
  • Качественная листовая сталь

    Инструментальные тележки, ящики, шкафы и различные коробки для хранения инструментов, а также рабочие столы, подставки, крепления и прочие аксессуары, изготавливают из высококачественной листовой стали. Благодаря лаковому покрытию, которое предотвращает коррозию и царапины, оборудование имеет длительный срок эксплуатации.
  • Инновационный дизайн

    Всесторонние знания о выполняемых работах и требования местных специалистов привели Unior к созданию инструментальной мебели, способной обеспечить легкий доступ, улучшенное хранение и видимость инструментов в любой момент.
  • Удобное хранение инструмента

    Инструментальная мебель UNIOR отличается современным дизайном и простотой в использовании. Она позволяет сохранить порядок и тем самым способствует повышению производительности труда каждого мастера.