Heavy duty drawer cabinet
Mai multe despre produs
Caracteristicile produsului
- heavy duty and durable cabinet construction
- cabinet dimensions: L1221 × W700 × H1304 mm
- 6 drawers: 2 in size L1106 × W596 × H72 mm with capacity 90 kg and 4 in size L1106 × W596 × H198 mm with capacity 180 kg
- total drawer volume: 522 liters
- 100% extension drawers with high quality ball bearing slides
- sistem de inchidere
- block safety system prevents simultaneous opening of more than one drawer. When one drawer is opened, all other drawers are locked and cannot be opened, which prevents drawer from tipping over.
- customization – divide drawers with the use of partitions and dividers according to your needs
- made of premium PLUS sheet metal
- painted with eco colors of Qualicoat quality standard

* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.
Set of partitions for 991HD small drawer, 3 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD small drawer, 5 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD small drawer, 5 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD small drawer, 5 pieces
Set of partitions for 991HD big drawer, 3 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD big drawer, 5 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD big drawer, 5 pieces
Set of dividers for 991HD big drawer, 5 pieces
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Produse conexe
Tabla de otel de calitate
Carucioarele, cutiile, dulapurile, cutiile de scule, cat si bancurile de lucru, suportii, agatatoarele si alte accesorii, toate sunt fabricate plecand de la tabla de otel de inalta calitateDesignul inovator
O cunoastere aprofundata a ansamblului nevoilor operationale ale profesionistilor ne-a permis sa cream game de echipamente care ofera un acces mai usor, impreuna cu o aranjare a sculelor clara si vizibila la orice moment.Aranjarea clara a sculelor
Datorita unei aranjari clare si unui acces usor la scule, echipamentele de atelier Unior va ajuta sa va pastrati atelierul bine aranjat pentru a creste in acest fel productivitatea.