Caracteristicile produsului

Unior Perforated Back panel with light and parapet channel

  • Perforated Back Panel is made from premium PLUS sheet metal and coated with the eco color of Qualicoat quality standard, ensuring both durability and a sleek appearance. Spanning the entire width of the 2m workbench, this versatile back panel can be used with accessories such as hooks, tool holders and overhead cabinet to get the most out of additional storage space. This back panel includes integrated LED lighting for optimal workspace illumination and a convenient parapet channel for charging accessories, bike components, electric tools, or personal electronics.
  • tabla cu gauri perforate
  • Eco color of Qualicoat quality standard
  • basic dimensions of perforated back L 1500 x H 1155mm
  • The shelf with holders extends across the entire width of the workbench and is securely mounted to the columns. It can be adjusted to various heights and positioned at two angles: perpendicular to the perforated back or at a 12-degree incline. The shelf has a load capacity of 50 kg.
  • The 1.5m wide holder for storage bins provides storage space across the entire width of the workbench, featuring rear mounting for the bins.
  • LED lighting with a lifetime of 25000 hours and color temperature of 4000K
  • Parapet channel compatible with OBO STD-D0 Modul 45 plugs
Denumire produs SKU Articol Dimensiuni Cantitate Greutate
Panou perforat spate - modul C9 625759 990MC9 1,5 m 13 61577
Suport pentru panou perforat(stanga) 990SL 32x45x1155 1
Suport pentru panou perforat (dreapta) 990SR 32x45x1155 1
Panouri perforate set de 2 buc 990B 1436x1018 1
Raft cu suporturi 990SHELF 1500 1
Suport cu canal parapet 990HPC 1467x53x131 1
Suport pentru cutie din plastic 990HPB 1500 1
Cutie din plastic, set 3 buc PB.990HPB 235x155x125 (3x) 3
Suport pentru lumină cu consola 990HL 1467 1
Iluminare 990LIGHT 1200 1
Carlig 997.1 50 (2x) 2
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.
  • Tabla de otel de calitate

    Carucioarele, cutiile, dulapurile, cutiile de scule, cat si bancurile de lucru, suportii, agatatoarele si alte accesorii, toate sunt fabricate plecand de la tabla de otel de inalta calitate
  • Designul inovator

    O cunoastere aprofundata a ansamblului nevoilor operationale ale profesionistilor ne-a permis sa cream game de echipamente care ofera un acces mai usor, impreuna cu o aranjare a sculelor clara si vizibila la orice moment.
  • Aranjarea clara a sculelor

    Datorita unei aranjari clare si unui acces usor la scule, echipamentele de atelier Unior va ajuta sa va pastrati atelierul bine aranjat pentru a creste in acest fel productivitatea.