Caracteristicile produsului

Workbenches are an essential element in both professional and home workshops. Unior’s modular workbenches are durable, stable, and practical, featuring a robust work surface and perforated backs. Module A15 is a basic 2-meter workbench model with the option to upgrade by adding a perforated back panel or mounting elements under the worktop. Two adjustable legs allow the workbench height to be set between 730 mm and 1150 mm, ensuring perfect adaptability to the user.

Dimensions and Specifications:

  • basic dimensions of work bench L 2000 x W 750 x H (730 - 1150)mm
  • Weight Capacity: 1000kg
  • The work surface made of beech plywood, 40mm thick, ensures that your work surface remains durable, reliable, and undamaged during everyday use.

Unior 990TW Wooden Bench Top Features:

  • The work surface made of beech plywood, 40mm thick, ensures that your work surface remains durable, reliable, and undamaged during everyday use.
  • The wooden work surface can be protected with an additional stainless steel cover, which is available as an option.
  • Worktop dimensions: Length 2m, Depth 75cm

Unior 990LA Adjustable leg Features:

  • Heavy-duty Construction: Made from high-quality Premium PLUS steel, the tool cabinet offers exceptional durability and stability.
  • Height adjustable from 690 mm to 1110 mm, with a minimum increment of 30 mm.
  • The legs are connected with a connector for increased load capacity and stability of the workbench.

Why Choose Unior:

  • Unior is a renowned brand in the industry, celebrated for its dedication to quality and innovation. With a legacy of excellence, Unior tools are crafted to meet the highest standards, ensuring reliability and outstanding performance.
  • Elevate your workspace with the Unior workshop equipment. Experience the perfect blend of functionality, durability, and style for all your workshop needs.
Denumire produs SKU Articol Dimensiuni Cantitate Greutate
Banc de lucru modular- modul A15 627545 990MA15 2 m 4 0
Picior ajustabil pentru banc de lucru modular 990LA 100x650x690x1110 (2x) 2
Bara de legatura 990C 2000 1
Blat de lemn 990TW 2000x750x40 1
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.

Questions & Answers

  • Cum pot nivela blatul de lucru? Podeaua din atelier nu este complet plană.
    Acesta poate fi nivelat cu pană din PVC incluse.
  • Tabla de otel de calitate

    Carucioarele, cutiile, dulapurile, cutiile de scule, cat si bancurile de lucru, suportii, agatatoarele si alte accesorii, toate sunt fabricate plecand de la tabla de otel de inalta calitate
  • Designul inovator

    O cunoastere aprofundata a ansamblului nevoilor operationale ale profesionistilor ne-a permis sa cream game de echipamente care ofera un acces mai usor, impreuna cu o aranjare a sculelor clara si vizibila la orice moment.
  • Aranjarea clara a sculelor

    Datorita unei aranjari clare si unui acces usor la scule, echipamentele de atelier Unior va ajuta sa va pastrati atelierul bine aranjat pentru a creste in acest fel productivitatea.