Caracteristicile produsului

  • Tool tray dimension: 564 x 364 x 30 mm
  • Compatible with drawers of Eurostyle, Eurovision, Euromotion, Europlus and Hercules (front drawers) line

Set includes:

  • 18x socket 1/2", 6 point (article 190/1 6P) dim. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32
  • 9x hex socket 1/2" (article 192/2HX) dim. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17
  • 9x screwdriver socket 1/2", with TX profile (article 192/2TX) dim. TX20, TX25, TX27, TX30, TX40, TX45, TX50, TX55, TX60
  • 1x Reversible ratchet 1/2"
  • accessories 1/2"; 1x swivel handle, 1x sliding T - handle, 2x extension bar (125, 250mm), 1x universal joint
  • 7x punch; pin punch (article 641/6 dim. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8), centre punch (article 642/6 dim. 4)
  • 2x chisel dim. 150; flat (artikel 660/6), cross (artikel 670/6)
  • 9x hex wrench (article 220/3) dim. 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 on plastic clip

Module din spuma SOS - Avantaje

  • Material:spuma polietilenica de joasa densitate
  • Modulele SOS sunt facute din spuma de polietilena dublu strat care este rezistenat la grasimi, benzina, ulei, solventi nitro, adezivi si ulei de motor - toate putand fi curatate fara a lasa urme vizibile (pete). Pentru a evita petele permanente, murdaririle cu adezivi sua uleiul de motor, acestea trebuiesc curatate imediat cu benzina.
  • These tool trays of polyethylene foam are used for clearer and better organised tool storage in tool boxes, tool cases, the drawers of tool carriages and tool cabinets. These tool trays can be used in a wide range of temperatures, do not absorb dampness and, with normal use, have a long lifespan. They protect the tools by holding them in their own specifically designed place, thus preventing them from moving uncontrollably around in the storage area. As the positions in the tray are precisely defined and designed for each specific tool, it is also easy to establish which tools are missing.

Why Choose Unior:

  • Unior is a renowned brand in the industry, celebrated for its dedication to quality and innovation. With a legacy of excellence, Unior tools are crafted to meet the highest standards, ensuring reliability and outstanding performance.
Denumire produs SKU Articol Dimensiuni Cantitate Greutate
Set de scule in suport SOS 621077 964/22SOS - 60 7100
Capete chei tubulare 1/2" 190/1 6p 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32 18
Antrenor cu clichet reversibil 1/2" 190.1/1ABI 1/2" 1
Antrenor articulat cu maner 1/2" 190.2/1BI 1/2"x380 1
Antrenor cu parghie glisanta 1/2" 190.3/1 1/2" 1
Prelungitor lung 1/2" 190.4/1 1/2"x250, 1/2"x125 2
Intermediar cardanic 1/2" 190.6/2 1/2" 1
Capete chei tubulare cu profil hexagonal exterior 1/2" 192/2HX 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17 9
Capete chei tubulare cu profil TX exterior 1/2" 192/2TX TX 20, TX 25, TX 27, TX 30, TX 40, TX 45, TX 50, TX 55, TX 60 9
Dornuri 641/6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 6
Punctatoare 642/6 4 1
Dalta lata 660/6 150 1
Dalta cruce 670/6 150 1
Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic 220/3PH 1
Modul SOS pentru capete chei tubulare 1/2"si 1/4 vl964/22SOS 564x364x30 1
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.
  • Pentru amatori si profesionisti

    Seturile continand modele variate de chei, clesti, surubelnite, pile, ciocane, punctatoare, dalti si alte scule sunt o alegere excelenta pentru utilizatorii avansati si alegerea corecta pentru cei incepatori.
  • Compozitie inteligenta

    Compozitia diferitelor ansamble este decisa pe baza unei colaborari permanente cu utilizatorii profesionali ai sculelor Unior in teren. Ansamblurile gata de folosire tin cont de nevoile fiecarui domeniu de activitate, reprezentand in acest fel o sectiune de scule de inalta calitate plecand de la alegeri gandite si preturi atractive.
  • Selectie simpla

    Seturile adaptate domeniilor specifice de lucru simplifica alegerea si cumpararea instrumentelor specifice de care aveti nevoie si pe car ele folositi in munca. Electricieni, mecanici auto, vopsitori de vehicule, tehnicieni de calculatoare si multi alti profesionisti au incredere in experienta Unior.