Flare nut wrench
Foaie de calcul tabelar
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Caracteristicile produsului
Introducing the Flare Nut Wrench. This double-sided wrench features a 7mm and 8mm opening on each side, making it versatile and suitable for a wide range of brake systems. The five-sided head holds the nut on five sides, spreading the force evenly and preventing damage to the fasteners. This wrench is specifically designed to be used on any hydraulic brake system, including compression hydraulic hose nuts and bleed nipples. Its low-profile design allows for easy access to fittings in tight spaces. Additionally, the Flare Nut Wrench can be used as a standalone tool or in combination with a torque wrench via its built-in 1/4" square drive.- Double sided wrench with 7 and 8mm opening,
- Each side features five sided flare wrench head that holds the nut on five sides and spreads the force evenly, preventing damaging the fasteners.
- Designed to be used on any hydraulic brake system - to be used with compression hydraulic hose nuts and bleed nipples.
- Low profile design for easier access to the fitting in tight spaces
- Designed to work as a standalone wrench or be used as a crow foot in combination with torque wrench via 1/4˝ built in square drive.

* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.
Utilizare (Video)
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