Caracteristicile produsului

  • Control your electric repair stand wireless from your bench, without ever touching the buttons on the stand’s control panel. Buttons on the electric repair stand remote have the exact same double functionality as buttons on the control panel on the electric repair stand. Most practical functions are to lift/lower the bike to the height of the adjustable limiter or to the floor or hold & release the button at the desired height.
  • Remote Control Set 1693EL.20 includes the remote and small circuit board that is super easy to install; installation will only take couple of minutes and doesn`t require any pairing or additional setting when installed. Coded remote signal will prevent interfering with other remotely controlled repair stands in the same room.
  • Remote Control Set 1693EL.20 is compatible with Unior’s Electric Repair Stand 1693EL version 2.0, delivered from April 2021 and onwards.
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.

Utilizare (Imagini)

Produse conexe

  • Tehnologii noi avansate

    Folosirea de noi tehnologii si de materiale de prima calitate duce la obtinerea de scule cu o durata de viata lunga; elementele de siguranta incorporate permit lucrul de reparatii fara risc de stricare sau de ranire; solutiile potrivite, eficacitatea optimizata, materialele moderne si o conceptie ergonomica confera sculelor un aspect atractiv si garanteaza o utilizare in deplina siguranta
  • Solutii particularizate pentru rezultate excelente

    Solutiile noastre se adapteaza pieselor de bicicleta de la toti fabricantii. Traditia noastra, conceptia proprie, stapanirea unei tehnologii moderne pe care o facem sa evolueze permanent, toate acestea ne asigura ca pastram o lungime avans.
  • Rezistenta exceptionala

    Sculele de mana Unior permit terminarea mai rapida a lucrarilor si facilitarea lucrului in locuri inguste. Ele sunt adaptate lucrului pe ultimele modele de biciclete