Stand de centrare pentru uz profesional
Mai multe despre produs
Caracteristicile produsului
We redesigned many of its features. The base has been made stronger for improved precision and we also added conical one-size-fits-all magnetic thru-axles adapters that can be stored anywhere on the base. The arms have been made longer to accommodate 29+ wheels better and the calipers widened accordingly.Threads, springs and bearings were all revised resulting in smoother operation plus less frequent calibration. Additionally, we include white high-gloss stickers you can apply to the base and caliper arm to improve background contrast, making it easier than ever to use.Here is a full list of the improvements.
- Stronger base for improved precision
- Longer and redesigned upright arms for improved clearance of 29+ wheels and truing precision
- Wider calipers for increased clearance of 29+ wheels
- Accommodates wider axles, works with through axle hubs up to 197mm width (include the use of adapters). Max. arm opening 230mm (without the use of adapters).
- New bearings on the upright arm adjust axle are spring loaded for improved precision and reduced frequency of calibration
- Redesigned caliper tips for easier radial truing
- Revised threads and springs for smoother operation
- 8mm bench mount holes at the bottom, 268 mm center to center
- Slicker design, all black
- Comes with conical magnetic through axle adapters – one size fits all (12, 15 and 20). The adapters are now magnetic and can be affixed anywhere on the base. Features a bolt for more permanent fix on the upright arms.
- Includes white high gloss stickers, covering the base and caliper arm, for improved background contrast (stickers are not preapplied)
- Accepts wheels from 16 to 29+ inch with or without tire.
- Supports solid, quick release and through axle hubs
- Through axle hubs are supported with use of the adapters (included with truing stand)
- One pair of through axle adapters support all sizes of through axles
Standard features (same as before):
- Geometria calibrului de reglare asigura un control axial simultan pentru acuratețea reglării rotii
- Calibrul are o protectie de plastic pe varfuri pentru a preveni lasarea de urme pe roata.
- Bratul din dreapta sus poate fi reglat cu un buton rotativ si fixat axul cu acesta.Bratul calibrului poate fi reglat pe raza rotii iar varful calibrului se regleaza pentru a palpa geanta
- Cand se schimba roata, arcul actioneaza pe bratul drept al calibrului si aceasta este retras dand posibilitatea de introducere a unei alte roti pentru centrare.Se asigura reglarea rapida a mai multor roti de aceiasi dimensiune.

* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.
Utilizare (Video)
Tehnologii noi avansate
Folosirea de noi tehnologii si de materiale de prima calitate duce la obtinerea de scule cu o durata de viata lunga; elementele de siguranta incorporate permit lucrul de reparatii fara risc de stricare sau de ranire; solutiile potrivite, eficacitatea optimizata, materialele moderne si o conceptie ergonomica confera sculelor un aspect atractiv si garanteaza o utilizare in deplina sigurantaSolutii particularizate pentru rezultate excelente
Solutiile noastre se adapteaza pieselor de bicicleta de la toti fabricantii. Traditia noastra, conceptia proprie, stapanirea unei tehnologii moderne pe care o facem sa evolueze permanent, toate acestea ne asigura ca pastram o lungime avans.Rezistenta exceptionala
Sculele de mana Unior permit terminarea mai rapida a lucrarilor si facilitarea lucrului in locuri inguste. Ele sunt adaptate lucrului pe ultimele modele de biciclete