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pdfPro Kit - 1600PROKIT-US

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Caracteristicile produsului

We picked 48 pieces of our tools that are a perfect fit for a portable set, shop, home or team mechanics.The toolbox is designed especially for bike tools; it’s made of heavy duty plastic and is waterproof and dustproof.It features a hangout pallet that hooks to the holes on the front side of the case, allowing you to have all your tools at hand. The pallet has 9 pockets that are designed to carry everything from pliers to open end wrenches.Flaps in the lid can be closed tightly with the Velcro straps; when closed, they also secure the tools in place. Open flaps and inner part of the lid give you 35 individual pockets to carry your tools. The biggest pockets can take our T handle hexes up to size 10 and a special small pockets can securely hold L shaped hex down to size 1.5 or similar small tools, so nothing ever gets lost.


  • The pockets are sewed together with durable nylon thread
  • Waterproof and dustproof in accordance with IP67 certificate
  • Watertight seal around lid
  • Automatic pressure release valve
  • Easy to open double throw latches
  • Load tested soft grip handle
  • Holes for shoulder strap (strap not included in the kit)
  • Robust case from heavy-duty composite
  • Corrosion free nylon pins
  • Hang out pallet with 9 pockets, designed to carry everything from pliers to open end wrenches
  • Aluminum divider at the bottom of the tool case to keep your tools organized
  • Flaps neatly close into the lid of the tool case
  • The lid can carry T handle hexes up to size 10
  • Special safety tight pockets to hold small tools
  • 44 pockets all together + storage under the pallet
Denumire produs SKU Articol Dimensiuni Cantitate Greutate
Pro Kit 627358 1600PROKIT-US 47 10250
Cheie fixa dubla 110/1 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 13 x 15, 17 x 19 5
Penseta plata 1342 160 1
Scula ansamblu ax pedala 1609/2BI-US 1
Insicator de uzura lant 1644/4 1
Scula pentru montare demontare lant de timp surub 1647/2ABI-US 1
Cap pentru inlucuire pinioane cu ghidaj cu bolt 1670.7/4 1
Cassette lockring tool with 12mm guide pin 1670.9/4 1
Schimbator de pimioane 1670/2BI-US 11/12 1
Disc brake piston spreader 1750/2DP-US 1
Master Link pliers 1720/4DP 1
Cheie inelara dublu decupata 183/2 8 x 10 1
Pro Socket Handle 190.8/2BI-US 1/2" 1
T-handle hex wrench 193HX-US 2, 2,5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 8
T-handle TX wrench 193TX-US TX 10, TX 25 2
Chei locas hexagonal 220/3 1.5, 2, 2.5 3
Chei locas hexagonal cu cap sferic 220/3S 3, 4, 5 3
Cheie reglabila 250/1 200 1
Subler 271 0 - 150 1
Clesti combinati 406/1VDEBI 180 1
Clesti tais lateral izolat la 1000 V 461/1VDEBI 160 1
Internal lock rings pliers, straight 536PLUS/1DP-US 140x8 - 13 1
Cleste de taiat cabluri de otel 584/4BI-US 180 1
Surubelnita de electrician VDE TBI cu lama izolata 603VDETBI 0.5 x 3.0x100, 1.0 x 5.5x125 2
Surubelnite VDE TBI cu lama izolata si profil PH 613VDETBI PH1x80 1
Scula de gaurit cu lama rotunda dublu indoita 639C 165 1
Measuring tape 710R-US 3 m 1
Round file with handle, bastard 763HB-US 200 1
Ciocan masa plastica 819A-US 45 1
Pro Kit Tool Case 970PROKIT 464x366x176 1
Unior Bicycle Mechanics Book #1 KAT.BIKEBOOK1 EN 1
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.

Utilizare (Imagini)

  • Tehnologii noi avansate

    Folosirea de noi tehnologii si de materiale de prima calitate duce la obtinerea de scule cu o durata de viata lunga; elementele de siguranta incorporate permit lucrul de reparatii fara risc de stricare sau de ranire; solutiile potrivite, eficacitatea optimizata, materialele moderne si o conceptie ergonomica confera sculelor un aspect atractiv si garanteaza o utilizare in deplina siguranta
  • Solutii particularizate pentru rezultate excelente

    Solutiile noastre se adapteaza pieselor de bicicleta de la toti fabricantii. Traditia noastra, conceptia proprie, stapanirea unei tehnologii moderne pe care o facem sa evolueze permanent, toate acestea ne asigura ca pastram o lungime avans.
  • Rezistenta exceptionala

    Sculele de mana Unior permit terminarea mai rapida a lucrarilor si facilitarea lucrului in locuri inguste. Ele sunt adaptate lucrului pe ultimele modele de biciclete