Атрибути на производот

Constructed around a robust one-piece aluminum column, the Unior electric repair stand offers unparalleled stability while concealing all wires within, ensuring a clutter-free workspace for efficient bike maintenance. It effortlessly lifts bikes up to 70kg to the desired height, ensuring optimal ergonomic conditions for every technician and every repair task.Endless height adjust makes lowering or lifting the bike with the push of a button a breeze, while automatic stopping system ensuring precise positioning. With knob adjustable travel limiters, users can customize the stand's range, while a built-in safety mechanism safeguards both technician and bicycle.With the versatile two-way control system, technician can choose between operating the stand via control panel or foot pedal, based individual preferences and needs. Additionally, an integrated adjustable LED light ensures consistent illumination, regardless of environmental lightning conditions.Built to endure, Unor Electric Repair stand is designed for longevity, requiring minimal maintenance and offers hassle free operation for years to come. Designed to be fully user serviceable, backed up with readily available spare parts and repair instructions.


  • Main electricity supply cable discreetly routed from the top, eliminating workspace obstruction.
  • Скриени жици
  • Бесконечно прилагодување на висина
  • Operable via intuitive control panel or convenient foot pedal.
  • Automatic stopping system with unloading function for enhanced safety.
  • Adjustable travel limiters are controlled by knob on the panel, with memory function for added convenience.
  • Display of current load ensures optimal performance.
  • Two USB ports (A and C) for convenient device charging and optional Wi-Fi connectivity.
  • Self-diagnosing function.
  • Нелизгачки
  • Equipped with Master shop repair clamp 1693.1M
  • Integrated LED light provides optimal illumination in any environment.
  • Aluminum main column.
  • Easily mountable directly to the floor or heavy-duty metal fixed plate.
  • Minimal assembly required. Stand needs to be fixed to the floor or plate and control panneal attached.

Технички карактеристики

  • Load capacity: 700N (70kg)
  • Maximum height: 1750 mm
  • Power Requirements: 0,32kW
  • Operating Voltage: 24V DC
  • Input: 90V-260V; 47-63 Hz
  • Movement speed: 5 m/min
  • IP рејтинг : IP 30- внатрешна употреба само
  • Соодветно на СЕ
шифрадим.ДолжинаВисинаМаксимална висинаШиринаМинимална висинатежина
62976190 - 260 V3612074179532424045300
* Сликите на производите се симболични. Сите димензии се во мм, тежината е во грамови. Сите наведени димензии може да се разликуваат во ниво на толеранција


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