Découvrez des outils et des applications qui vous aideront à travailler plus facilement, efficacement. et de façon ludique. Nous développons nos solutions numériques spécialement pour vous, afin que vous puissiez trouver et vous servir des outils UNIOR. Nous basons nos applications sur vos exigences, besoins et souhaits, ce qui signifie que nous intégrons constamment de nouvelles solutions dans notre programme. Grâce à ça, nous souhaitons exploiter au mieux le potentiel de nos outils et simplifier considérablement votre effort de travail et votre plaisir au travail.
List of our Apps

Unior 3D Configurator
We're introducing a perfect way for setting up modular workbenches and organizing custom workshops! Unior 3D Configurator provides you with a tailor made solution that allows you to create your dream workshop within minutes.

Spoke tension app
Our first virtual bike tool - the Spoke Tension App. A powerful tool designed to get the best out of your Unior 1752/2 Spoke Tension Meter, helping you build better wheels. It’s web based so will work on any device whether it be mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet making it easy to use right where you need it. It’s fast and easy to use, giving you all the details about your wheel build and ability to print out a tension sheet and wheel build certificate for you and your customers.
Take fun to a whole new level. Test your level of concentration and speed of thinking while competing for attractive practical rewards among many players, rivals and opponents from all around the globe. So, let the fight begin and let the best competitor win!

Torque wrench app
To further enhance what we offer to Unior hand tool users and to make it easier for them to use Unior products, we have recently introduced a new feature: a download program for downloading data from the 266 series electronic torque wrenches.