In the long run, the quality of products and services is always the one that rewards. At Unior, a hand tool that strives for top quality, as well as our customers and business partners, who always benefit from it when cooperating with us. Our goal is controlled top results, due to which we have in the system in all areas of operation - from management, sales, development, procurement to production, logistics, processes, efficiency and effectiveness - introduced and certified systems listed below.
In the company Unior hand tools, we have certified the following areas of development, production and sales in accordance with the requirements of the standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001:
• hot forged and machined forgings and sintered products, • hand tools, tool carts and other metal equipment and cold forged forgings, • Dedicated metalworking machines.

Certificate ISO 9001:2015
The certificate system of quality management, ISO 9001, allows the company to demonstrate a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. ISO 9001: 2008 is based on eight principles of quality management: customer focus, leadership, employee involvement, process approach, systems approach to management, continuous improvement, fact-based decision making, mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. The latest edition of ISO 9001: 2015 shows new ways of ensuring the quality of processes and services.
Certificate ISO 14001: 2015
ISO 14001 is an environmental management system that covers the management of environmental aspects of production or service activities. It includes fulfilling legal requirements, efficient use of resources and prevention of environmental pollution. The ISO 14001 standard is one of the most important tools in relation to the environment used by organizations and corporations around the world.
Certificate ISO 50001: 2018
Energy efficiency has become a necessity, so it is very important that companies manage resources more efficiently. The purpose of the ISO 50001 standard is to enable the processes which are necessary to improve the energy efficiency of companies to be established. The production and distribution of thermal energy in the town of Zreče has an established and properly maintained management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 50001: 2018 standard.
Certificate OHSAS 18001
OHSAS 18001 defines safety and health management requirements. Safety at work is crucial for any company, as it makes it easier for organizations to manage risks in the workplace. By obtaining the OHSAS 18001 certificate, the organization proves that it manages all significant risks, which may also be unpredictable.
All the newly achieved quality standards prove once again that Unior hand tool is on the right track and it offers only the best to its customers and end customers. A professional approach and high quality products designed to stand out from the crowd of the average.