Legal notices
Copyright Unior d.d. All rights reserved.
The contents and illustrative materials posted on web sites and on all connected pages are the property of the company Unior and must not be copied or distributed in any way, except for non-commercial purposes (where they should contain all copyright notices).
The company Unior will do its best to ensure that the information on its pages is correct and up to date, but the company will not accept any responsibility for possible errors concerning accessibility of the pages, for possible incorrect information, or for possible damages resulting from this incorrect information. It also reserves the right to change any of the contents on these pages without prior notice.
The company Unior will collect e-mail addresses and other personal information on its web-site for the purpose of sending e-news and inquiries. The company Unior guarantees that information thus obtained will be used solely for the purposes of the company Unior and will not be revealed to other natural and artificial persons or be used for any other purposes.