The Right Products Delivered to the Right place at the Right Time
Unior is a reliable partner. It operates according to the EFQM model of business excellence. Unior has certificates for its products that demonstrate their quality and safety. The company fulfils the clients' requirements and orders with advanced logistics. With an appropriately protected trademark, its own representative offices and a wide network of distributors, the company provides full information and quality after sale services for its users.

Quality and Safety Label
Unior hand tools are available to users in all the continents of the world. The Unior trademark is protected in more than 80 countries. The quality of the tools complies with the exacting global and European standards. Tools with the VDE mark guarantee the safety of the user even when working under high voltage conditions. This guarantee is provided by the German VDE institute.

Unior has implemented and certified the following systems into its business systems:
a quality management system that is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard,
an environmental management system that is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard,
a quality assurance system in the automotive industry in accordance with the requirements of the following standards: ISO/TS 16949, VDA 6.1 and VDA 6.4.
Optimum Logistics
In relation to its products, Unior guarantees its customers that they will receive the hand tools in the agreed form, with the agreed content and within the agreed time period. Flexibility and responsiveness is achieved through the careful planning of the flow of raw materials, materials, semi-manufactured products and finished products throughout the entire production process. The modernized warehouse for products and semi-manufactured products and the commissioning and packaging of hand tools is performed based on the buyer’s requirements and provides additional reliability when fulfilling orders.
Branched Distribution
The sale of products across the world is ensured by Unior’s representative offices and a wide network of distributors. Unior’s representatives, who best know the added value of the trademark, also provide suitable expert information on the correct use of the tools. The representative offices in various countries of the world also provide quality after sale services for individual markets.