Opis proizvoda

  • Complete Tool Selection: The Master Workbench includes a comprehensive selection of all available bike tools from Unior, including the latest tools not previously available in any set. It is the ultimate dream for professional bike mechanics and serious enthusiasts.
  • Industrial-grade Construction: Built from high-quality materials, the workbench is designed to withstand heavy-duty use, ensuring long-lasting performance. The robust steel frame and stainless steel bench top provide a durable and resilient workspace.
  • Integrated Storage Solutions: Featuring two integrated Unior 990WD7 BLACK Tool Cabinets], each with seven wide drawers, providing extensive storage space for tools and equipment, keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free.
  • Ergonomic Design: Engineered for optimal ergonomic positioning, the workbench provides a comfortable working height, reducing strain and enhancing productivity during prolonged tasks.
  • Versatile Applications: Ideal for various types of bike repairs, from road bikes and mountain bikes to e-bikes, kids' bikes, and cargo bikes. The workbench is designed to meet the diverse needs of professional mechanics and demanding enthusiasts.
  • Professional Appearance: The sleek and modern design not only enhances functionality but also adds a sophisticated touch to your workshop or garage.

Dimenzije i specifikacije:

  • dimenzije: 2000x910x750 mm
  • nosivost: 1000 kg
  • Workbench Code: 629831

Karakteristike kasete Unior 990WD7 BLACK

  • robusna konstrukcija: izrađena od visokokvalitetnog čeličnog lima, kaseta za alat nudi izuzetnu trajnost i stabilnost
  • 7 širokih fioka koje nude obilje prostora (ukupna zapremina 214 lit) za odlaganje alata različitih oblika i dimenzija, čime se obezbeđuje da sve što vam treba bude na jednom mestu i na dohvat ruke
  • meko otvaranje: Opremljene kugličnim ležajevima, fioke se glatko otvaraju i zatvaraju, čak i kada su pod opterećenjem
  • nosivost svake fioke: max 50 kg
  • sigurno odlaganje alata: sistem centralnog zaključavanja osigurava da su vaši alati sigurni i zaštićeni i kada se ne koriste
  • elegantni dizajn i crna boja pruža vašoj radionici profesionalan i moderan izgled

Karakteristike radne ploče od iverice, presvučene nerđajućim limom Unior 990TW-SST:

  • izuzetna otpornost i izdržljivost: obloga od nerđajućeg lima je robusna zaštita u dugotrajnoj upotrebi čime je vrhunsko stanje vaše radne površine zagarantovano
  • nerđajuća obloga: posebno izrađena i otporna na ulja i korodivne elemente, jednostavno se čisti i održava, čineći radni prostor čistim
  • otpornost na toplotu: trpi temperature do 100°C, što je idealno za obavljanje zadataka koji uključuju visoku tepmeraturu
  • dugotrajna pouzdanost: proizveden da traje ovaj radni sto garantuje dugovečnu funskionalnost
  • dimenzije radne površine: dužina 2000 mm, dubina 750 mm

Tool Trays:

Enhance your workspace with these organized tool trays, included in the Unior 2600C Master Workbench setup:
  • 1.      General Maintenance Tray (SET1-2600AC): Comprehensive selection of hand tools for routine maintenance and repairs.
  • 2.      Bottom Bracket and Crankset Tool Tray (SET2-2600AC): Everything you need to work on bottom bracket area and cranksets + NEW Hanger Genie 2.0.
  • 3.      Wheel Tools Tray (SET3-2600AC): Tools for wheel truing and spoke maintenance.
  • 4.      Torque Tools and Pliers tool Tray (SET4-2600AC): Advanced set of general tools for precision work
  • 5.      Drivetrain Maintenance Tray (SET5-2600AC): Tools for drivetrain maintenance and smooth operation.
  • 6.      Wheel Building Tool Tray (SET1-2600C): Updated selection of specialized wheel building tools.
  • 7.      Frame and Fork Tool Tray (SET2-2600C): General frame and fork repair tools.
  • 8.      Frame preparation tool Tray (SET3-2600C): Fine selection of reamers, taps and thread repairing tools.
  • 9.      Bleed Kit Tray (SET1-2600BK) : Tools for brake system maintenance and repair (Shimano, SRAM, Magura)
  • 10.  Bearing Service Tool Tray (SET-2600E-US): Tools for installing and removing bearings on bike frames and bike components.

Zašto odabrati UNIOR:

  • Unior is a trusted name in the tool industry, known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and precision engineering. With decades of experience and a dedication to excellence, Unior products are designed to exceed the expectations of even the most discerning professionals.
  • Upgrade your workspace today with the Unior 2600C Master Workbench, featuring the integrated Unior 990WD7 BLACK Tool Cabinets with Wooden Bench Top with Stainless Steel Cover, and discover the ultimate combination of functionality, durability, and style.
Naziv proizvoda SKU Artikal Dimenzije Količina Težina
Master Workbench 629831 2600C 283 273000
Širi orman za alat - 7 fioka 990WD7-BLACK 663x650x870 (2x) 2
Drvena radna ploča obložena nerđajućom zaštitom 990TW-SST 2000x753x39 1
Profesionalni stalak za centriranje točkova 1689 1
Drveno postolje za stoni stalak 1689 1689.9 328x300x18 1
Kontrolnik za stalak 1689 1689.1 1
Kontrolnik centriranosti kočionih diskova za postolje 1689 1689.2 1
Alat za kontrolu centričnosti - profesionalni 1690/1 1
Stega bravarska IRONGATOR sa brzim sistemom pomeranja 721Q/6-US 125 1
Okretno postolje za stege 721/6 i 721Q/6 721.1/6 125 1
Rezervne čeljusti za 721/6 i 722/6, aluminijumske 722.1AL 125 1
Set of tools in tray 1 for 2600A and 2600C - General tools SET1-2600AC 1
Set of tools in tray 2 for 2600A and 2600C - BB & Crank tools SET2-2600AC 1
Set of tools in tray 3 for 2600A and 2600C - Wheel tools SET3-2600AC 1
Set of tools in tray 4 for 2600A and 2600C - Torque tools and pliers SET4-2600AC 1
Set of tools in tray 5 for 2600A and 2600C - Drivetrain tools SET5-2600AC 1
Set of tools in tray 1 for 2600C - Wheel building SET1-2600C 1
Set of tools in tray 2 for 2600C - Frame and fork tools SET2-2600C 1
Set alata 3 za art. 2600C-US - za obradu rama bicikla SET3-2600C-US 1
Bleedkit set SET1-2600BK 1
Set za servisiranje ležajeva 2600E SET-2600E-US 1
* Fotografije proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, a težina u gramima. Sve navedene dimenzije mogu odstupati u granicama tolerancija.
  • Nova unapređena tehnologija

    Upotreba novih tehnoloških metoda i materijala vrhunskog kvaliteta rezultiralii su alatom koji: ima dug vek upotrebe, sigurnosni dizajn, koji osigurava popravke bez oštecenja predmeta i alata, ima prilagođena rešenja, ima odličnu efektivnost, odlično izgleda i bezbedan je za upotrebu zahvaljujući modernim materijalima i ergonomskom dizajnu.
  • Prilagođena rešenja za izuzetne rezultate

    Naša rešenja nude prilagodljivost UNIOR alata delovima za bicikle svih proizvođača. Naša tradicija, sopstveni dizajn, kao i stalni tehnički razvoj i moderne tehnologije omogućavaju nam da budemo korak ispred.
  • Izuzetna dugotrajnost

    Unior ručni alati završavaju poslove brže i čine rad u ograničenom prostoru lakšim. Alati su prilagođeni za rad i na najnovijim modelima bicikala.