Caracteristicile produsului

Set includes:

  • 6x hex screwdriver with insulated blade VDE TBI (article 620VDETBI) dim. 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Denumire produs SKU Articol Dimensiuni Cantitate Greutate
Set de surubelnite VDE TBI cu profil hexagonal 617048 620CS6VDETBI 2.5 - 8 6 580
Surubelnite VDE TBI cu lama izolata si profil hexagonal 620VDETBI 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 6
* Imaginea produsului este simbolica.Toate dimensiunile sunt exprimate în mm,greutatea în grame.

Utilizare (Imagini)

Design ergonomic al manerului pentru protecctia mainii

Conceptia ergonomic a manerului = protejarea mainii

Suprafata maximala de contact a mainii = valoare de cuplu superioara

Safety tips

  • Use a screw holding screwdriver to get screws started in awkward, hard-to-reach areas.
  • Use a stubby screwdriver in close quarters where a conventional screwdriver cannot be used.
  • A rounded tip should be redressed with a file; make sure edges are straight.
  • Screwdrivers used in the shop are best stored in a rack. This way, the proper selection of the right screwdriver can be quickly made.
  • Keep the screwdriver handle clean; a greasy handle is apt to cause accidents.
  • A screwdriver should never be used as pry bar. If it is overstressed in this manner, the blade might break and send a particle of steel into the operator's arm or even towards his eyes.
  • VDE tools that have several parts, have to be assembled correctly before use.
  • When working with VDE tools avoid contact with water.
  • Don't use pliers on the handle of a screwdriver to get extra turning power. A wrench should only be used on the square shank or bolster of a screwdriver that is especially designed for that purpose.
  • Don't expose a screwdriver blade to excessive heat as it may reduce the hardness of the blade.
  • Don't use a screwdriver with a split or broken handle.
  • Don't use a regular screwdriver to check a storage battery or to determine if an electrical circuit is live.
  • Don't use tools that shows sign of wear and have the second layer of plastic visible.
  • Protictia ultima

    Sculele izolate VDE Unior asigura protectia completa, chiar si la utilizarea inapropierea circuitelor sub tensiune cu un potential mergand pana la 1000Volti. Aptitudinea de folosire a tuturor sculelor este controlata prin teste de rezistenta la impact, la electricitate, la foc, de adeziune a izolatiei si de rezistenta la strapungere, fiecare scula fiind controlata indicvidual.
  • Otel de inalta calitate

    Cheile noastre, clestii, foarfecii, surubelnitele si alte scule izolate concepute pentru lucrul asupra instalatiilor electrice sau care folosesc alta forma de energie sunt fabricate din oteluri de inalta calitate, cu protectie sporita si sunt concepute pentru o utilizare simpla si sigura.
  • Reglementarile VDE

    Izolate si controlate conform reglementarilor VDE, sculele Unior destinate lucrarilor sub tensiune satisfac exigentele normelor europene EN IEC 60900 , recunoscute international