Chei imbus

Set of hex wrenches - 220/3-SET

SKU: 629440, Dimensiuni: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, Cantitate: 4

Profil hexagonalSeturi

Set of hex wrenches - 220/3-SET

SKU: 629441, Dimensiuni: 3/64", 1/20", 1/16", Cantitate: 3

Profil hexagonalSeturi

Set of hex wrenches, long type - 220/3L-SET

SKU: 629442, Dimensiuni: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, Cantitate: 4

Profil hexagonalSeturi

Set of hex wrenches, long type - 220/3L-SET

SKU: 629443, Dimensiuni: 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 1/8", Cantitate: 4

Profil hexagonalSeturi

Set of wrenches with TX profile and hole - 220/7TX-SET

SKU: 629446, Dimensiuni: TR 9, TR 10, TR 15, Cantitate: 3

TX profileSeturi

Set of wrenches with TX profile - 220/7TXN-SET

SKU: 629447, Dimensiuni: TX 6, TX 7, TX 8, TX 9, TX 10, TX 15, Cantitate: 6

TX profileSeturi

Set de surubelnite cu cap hexagonal in cutie de carton - 193HXCB

SKU: 608879, Dimensiuni: 2.5 - 10, Cantitate: 10


Set de surubelnite profil TX cu maner in T in cutie de carton - 193TXCB

SKU: 608880, Dimensiuni: TX 6 - TX 45, Cantitate: 10


Set de surubelnite profil TX cu maner in T in cutie de carton - 193TXCS

SKU: 607888, Dimensiuni: TX 10 - TX 45, Cantitate: 7


Set de surubelnite cu cap hexagonal in cutie de carton - 193HXCS

SKU: 607890, Dimensiuni: 2.5 - 10, Cantitate: 7


Set de chei locas hexagonal in cutie de plastic - 220/3PB1

SKU: 610914, Dimensiuni: 2 - 10, Cantitate: 8


Set de chei locas hexagonal in cutie de plastic - 220/3PB1

SKU: 612161, Dimensiuni: 5/64", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", Cantitate: 0


Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3PB

SKU: 601061, Dimensiuni: 3 - 19, Cantitate: 10


Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3PB

SKU: 601059, Dimensiuni: 3 - 14, Cantitate: 8


Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3PB

SKU: 601057, Dimensiuni: 3 - 10, Cantitate: 6


Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3PH

SKU: 607852, Dimensiuni: 1.5 - 10, Cantitate: 9


Set de chei locas hexagonal in husa de plastic - 220/3SPB1

SKU: 610916, Dimensiuni: 2 - 10, Cantitate: 8


Set de chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3SLPH

SKU: 608534, Dimensiuni: 1.5 - 10, Cantitate: 9


Set de chei locas hexagonal in cutie de plastic - 220/3SLPB2

SKU: 610917, Dimensiuni: 2 - 10, Cantitate: 8


Set chei locas hexagonal in suport de plastic - 220/3PH

SKU: 617079, Dimensiuni: 1.5 - 12, Cantitate: 10

  • Durata lunga de viata

    The wrenches are made of Premium chrome vanadium steel with a greater density at the points of the highest pressure, and such dimensioning and manufacture only increase their extreme power and durability.
  • Profil de siguranta

    Cu profilele sigure, cheile previn stricarea colturilor si a marginilor suruburilor si piulitelor distribuind sarcina in mod egal pe suprafata, la distanta de muchiile piulitelor si capetelor de surub, in loc sa actioneze direct pe acestea
  • Designul inovator

    Datorita designului inovator si conceptiei rezultate dintr-o tehnologie de varf, cheile Unior garanteaza un trabsfer de forta la capetele de surubu si piulite precis si eficient