Waterpomptang, voor veilig werken op hoogte
Technische fiche
Meer over dit product
- materiaal: premium chroom vanadium staal
- drop forged, entirely hardened and tempered
- working surfaces induction hardened
- surface finish: trivalent chrome plated according to ISO 1456:2009
- heavy duty double - component handles
- In order to ensure the highest level of safety, the riveted metal ring is not mounted only through the plastic handles but is attached through the metal part of the tool handle.
- non-removable riveted metal ring
- tool weight is marked on each tool
- the rings on the tools are large enough to accept 2 carabiners
- Unior’s tools for working at heights have been designed to preserve the tools’ basic functions, ergonomics and utility, or to reduce them to the smallest possible extent.
- Toothed jaw is designed to ensure optimum grip of an object.
- Jaw aperture adjustable in 10 positions.
- Extreme grip strength: The design and shape of the pliers’ jaws enable, despite the slim construction, better grip strength of the work piece, which results in stability, work safety, and greater effectiveness.
- Work: due to the slim construction, the jaws enable one-handed work in difficult-to-reach places
- Ergonomics: handles are designed to fully adjust to the user`s hand and so enable greater handling and work safety

* Afbeeldingen van producten zijn symbolisch. Alle afmetingen zijn in mm en gewicht in gram. Alle vermelde afmetingen kunnen variëren in tolerantie.
Gebruik (foto's)

- Always change tools in secure areas where there is no risk of falling tools.
- Always use tools with Unior carabiners and never use carabiners with a diameter less than 6mm.
- Tools being used at height should regularly be checked for damage and that there is no damage to lanyards, carabiners, attachment rings or belts.

- Don't use tools without attaching them to your work belt when working at height.
- Don't use and fix damaged tools.
- Don't exceed maximum weight of 2.3kg for individual tools that a worker can attach to their belt.
Veiligheid (foto's)
Vraag en Antwoord
Can we use a tool for working at height as a normal tool?A tool for working at height has the same usability as a normal tool, except that a non-removable riveted metal buckle is added to this tool.
Does the stated weight per tool for safe work at height also include the weight of the metal ring?The weight of the tool marked on the tool, included also weight of metal ring
Werken op hoogte brengt grote risico's met zich mee, dus niets mag aan het toeval worden overgelaten. Unior – een synoniem voor handgereedschap van hoge kwaliteit, presenteert een reeks gereedschappen die speciaal zijn aangepast voor het werken op hoogte om gevaarlijke valpartijen te voorkomen.HOOGWAARDIG GEREEDSCHAP VOOR VEILIG WERKEN OP HOOGTE
Gereedschappen voor het werken op hoogte zijn standaard gereedschappen voorzien van bevestigingspunten. Beveiligde gereedschappen verhogen de arbeidsveiligheid aanzienlijk.HOGE PRECISIE
Unior-gereedschappen voor werken op hoogte zijn zo ontworpen dat de basisfuncties van het gereedschap, de ergonomie en de bruikbaarheid behouden blijven of slechts minimaal beperkt worden waar nodig.