제품 특징

  • Manufactured with high quality carbon steel to ensure minimal wear to tools and wheel components being worked on.
  • Includes tools compatible with the most common nipple and spoke types.
  • The Nipple Insertion Tool makes seating nipples through double wall rims quick and easy.
  • Compact two layer foam storage box.

키트에 포함된 공구:

  • Speed nipple bit 2.5 mm
  • Speed nipple bit 1.5 mm
  • DT Swiss® SQUORX nipple tool
  • Inverted square nipple driver
  • Spoke nipple driver
  • Spoke nipple insertion tool
  • Mavic R-sys nipple wrench
  • Spoke wrench, Mavic
  • Spoke, bearing and cotter gauge
  • Spoke wrench sizes TX20, 3.23, 3.30, 3.45, 4.0, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.5 mm
  • Socket wrench 5.5
  • Flat spoke holder
  • Straight Pull Spoke Pliers
제품명 SKU Article 직경 수량 Weight
Master wheel building kit 629377 1754 19 2319
스포크, 베어링 그리고 코터 게이지 1629 357.5 1
Spoke wrench 1630/5 3,3, 3,45, TX20 3
플랫 스포크 홀더 1632 1
더블 사이드 스포크 렌치 1633/2P-US 4x4,4 1
더블 사이드 Shimano® 스포크 렌치 1634/2P-US 4,3x4,4 1
Mavic R-sys 니플 렌치 1635/2AP-US 6,8 1
마빅 스포크 렌치 1635/2P-US 1
더블 사이드 스포크 렌치 1636/2P-US 5x5,5 1
니플 드라이버 1751/2 1
DT Swiss® SQUORX 니플 툴 1751/2DT 1
인버티드 스퀘어 니플 드라이버 1751/2Q 1
니플 삽입 툴 1751/2T 1
스트레이트 풀 스포크 플라이어 1753/2B-US 1.4x2.2 1
스피드 니플 비트 1756 1,5, 2,5 2
Label Made for work 1843MFW-BIKE TOOLS 1
Socket wrench with T-handle 193N-US 5,5 1
* Images of products are symbolic. All dimensions are in mm, and weight in grams. All listed dimensions may vary in tolerance.

사용법 (사진)

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