
Featuring two integrated Unior 990WD7 BLACK Tool Cabinets, each with seven wide drawers, that will fit the 2600 series tool trays, providing extensive storage space for tools and equipment, keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free. The middle power support cabinet is equipped with reels with electrical cable and hose for compressed air.Engineered for optimal ergonomic positioning, the workbench provides a comfortable working height, reducing strain and enhancing productivity during prolonged tasks.Ideal for various types of bike repairs, from road bikes and mountain bikes to e-bikes, kids' bikes, and cargo bikes. The workbench is designed to meet the diverse needs of professional mechanics and demanding enthusiasts.The sleek and modern design not only enhances functionality but also adds a sophisticated touch to your workshop or garage.

Dimensions and Specifications:

  • Total Size: Length 2m, Height 91cm, Depth 75cm
  • Weight Capacity: 1000kg
  • The stainless-steel bench top, resistant to corrosion, rust, and heat up to 100°C, ensures your bench top remains durable, reliable, and pristine against everyday wear and tear
  • Two 990WD7 Wide Drawer Cabinets combined offer 14 storage drawers, all capable of accommodating 2600 series tool trays and plenty of room to store all the spare parts.

Unior 990TW-SST Wooden Bench Top with Stainless Steel Cover Features:

  • Superior Strength and Durability: The inox stainless steel cover provides a robust shield against everyday wear and tear, ensuring that your bench top remains in top condition.
  • Inox stainless steel cover: Specially engineered to withstand corrosive elements and rust, extending the life of your bench top and maintaining its pristine appearance.
  • Heat Resistance: Withstanding temperatures up to 100°C, this cover is perfect for handling high-temperature tasks without damage.
  • Long-term Reliability: Designed for durability, this bench top ensures you enjoy a consistently beautiful and functional work surface day after day.
  • Worktop dimensions: Length 2m, Depth 75cm

Unior 990WD7 BLACK Tool Chest Features:

  • Heavy-duty Construction: Made from high-quality Premium PLUS steel, the tool cabinet offers exceptional durability and stability.
  • Seven Wide Drawers: Each cabinet provides ample storage (total volume 214L) space for tools of various sizes, ensuring that everything you need is within easy reach.
  • Smooth Operation: Equipped with ball-bearing slides, the drawers open and close smoothly, even when fully loaded.
  • Drawer dimensions; 5 x L 564 x W 570 x H 70mm, 2x L 564 x W 605 x H 150mm
  • Drawer Capacity: Each drawer can hold up to 50kg.
  • Secure Storage: Central locking system ensures that your tools are safe and secure when not in use.
  • Stylish Design: Finished in sleek black, the tool cabinet adds a professional and modern look to your workspace.
Termék neve SKU Cikk Méretek Mennyiség tömeg
Tech Bench with two wide cabinets 629897 990TB2 3 1000
Széles munkapad modul - 7 fiókkal 990WD7-BLACK 663x650x870 (2x) 2
Fa munkalap rozsdamentes acél munkafelület 990TW-SST 2000x753x39 1
* A termékképek illusztrációk. Minden feltüntetett méret milliméterben, a tömegek grammban. Az összes feltüntetett méret eltérhet a toleranciának megfelelően.

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