940EV7BLOCK Till end of stock

Atributi proizvoda

  • materijal: Premium Plus lim
  • sa sistemom zaključavanja
  • Brava sa ključem i privjeskom
  • NOVO Blok sigurnosni sustav sprječava otvaranje više od jedne ladice odjednom. Kada je jedna ladica otvorena, sve ostale ladice su zaključane i ne mogu se otvoriti.
  • novi kotači promjera 125mm, za bolju pokretljivost i stabilnost
  • Sistem otvaranja i zatvaranja ladica vrlo je jednostavan zbog inovativnog rješenja, nudi korisniku istovremeno prihvat i otvaranje ladica
  • police sa kugličnim vodilicama
  • neklizajuća sintetska podloga štiti alate i ladice od oštećenja
  • Poseban mehanizam sprječava neželjeno otvaranje ladica
  • mogućnost ubacivanja dodataka
  • ekološki lak bez olova i kadmija
  • Na kolicima se nalaze slijepe matice, namijenjene pričvršćivanju dodatnih dijelova
  • Statička nosivost kolica bez kotača: 1600kg
  • Dinamičko opterećenje kolica: 500kg
  • nosivost ladica: 45kg
  • 6 ladica (4 x L 563 x W 365 x H 70 mm, 1 x L 563 x W 383 x H 150 mm, 1 x L 563 x W 383 x H 230 mm)
  • Osnovne mjere s ručkom i kotačima L 800 x W 440 x H 923 mm
  • Ukupni volumen ladica: 145 litara
  • Ladice kompatibilne sa SOS alatima 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.

Upotreba (Slike)


Safety tips

  • Lock all your drawers before trying to roll the tool carriage into a new work area.
  • Set the brakes on the locking casters after you have rolled the cabinet to your work area.
  • Treat you tool carriage, tool chests, or tool boxes with respect.
  • Always follow the prescribed max load capacity of individual drawers and the carriage as a whole.
  • Always put heavier objects in the bottom drawers
  • Always close drawers when not in use.
  • Always follow manufacturer manual instructions regarding assembly and repair of your tools.
  • Don't open two or more drawers at the same time, there is high chance of it tipping over.
  • Don't throw tools into drawer, always put the tools in.
  • Don't use an opened drawer as a working surface.
  • Don't clean a lacquered surface with a solvent cleaner.
  • Don't pull a tool carriage as you won't be able to see where you are headed. Push it in front of you so you can see where you are going.
  • Don't stack a tool carriage with too many extra chests or tool trays; it may tip over at the most unexpected time.
  • Don't roll a tool carriage with loose tools or parts on top of the carriage.
  • Don't roll a tool carriage too quickly; a pot hole in the floor or some hardware on the floor may cause an accident.
  • Don't overload the drawers; if you haven't got room for all of your tools, you need a larger tool carriage.
  • Don't open up too many loaded drawers at a time; close each drawer before opening up another. Heavily loaded opened drawers are an invitation to tipping.

Pitanja i odgovori (Q&A)

  • What does it mean if the tool carriage has the word BLOCK on the item label?
    This means that it has a system of guides that makes it impossible to have two drawers open at the same time.
  • Kvalitetan čelični lim

    Kolica za alat, sanduci, ormari i razne kutije za odlaganje alata, kao i radni stolovi, panoi, kuke i ostali pribor izrađeni su od kvalitetnog čeličnog lima. Lakirane površine otporne su na koroziju i ogrebotine. Ova oprema je praktički neuništiva.
  • Inovativan dizajn

    Sveobuhvatno poznavanje radnih zahtjeva različitih poslova lokalnih profesionalaca rezultiralo je izradom radne opreme koja nudi veliku dostupnost, pregledno odlaganje alata i bolju vidljivost u svakom trenutku.
  • Preglednost odlaganja alata

    Svojom preglednošću i lakom dostupnošću, Unior radna oprema omogućava vam da svoju radionu održavate urednom te da na taj način povećavate vlastitu produktivnost.