带电压测试器的VDE TBI螺丝刀套装


Set includes:

  • 3x electrician´s screwdriver with insulated blade VDETBI (article 603VDETBI) dim. 0.5x3.0x100, 0.8x4.0x100, 1.0x5.5x125
  • 2x VDETBI crosstip (PH) screwdriver with insulated blade (article 613VDETBI) dim. PH 1x80, PH 2x100
  • 1x phase tester 220 - 250 V (article 630VDE) dim. 0.5x3.0x140
产品名称 SKU 文章 规格 数量 重量
带电压测试器的VDE TBI螺丝刀套装 617654 603CS6ATVT - 6 430
VDE TBI 绝缘一字螺丝刀 603VDETBI 0.5 x 3.0x100, 0.8 x 4.0x100, 1.0 x 5.5x125 3
VDE TBI 绝缘十字(PH)螺丝刀 613VDETBI PH1x80, PH2x100 2
电笔220 - 250 V 630VDE 0.5 x 3.0x140 1
* Images of products are symbolic. All dimensions are in mm, and weight in grams. All listed dimensions may vary in tolerance.

使用 (图片)

Ergonomic handle design for protecting your hands.

人体工程手柄设计 = 保护手部

较大的手部接触面积 = 更大的转矩功率

Safety tips

  • VDE tools that have several parts, have to be assembled correctly before use.
  • When working with VDE tools avoid contact with water.
  • Don't use tools that shows sign of wear and have the second layer of plastic visible.
  • 终极保护

  • 优质钢材

  • VDE标准

    VDE绝缘和测试符合VDE标准,Unior的带电环境使用工具符合国际公认的欧洲EN 60900标准要求。