
  • 用于大部分单盘离合器
  • 离合器尺寸范围:15 - 28 mm
  • 易于使用
  • 2206号工具是大部分标准轿车离合器的唯一通用离合器校准器。通过调整离合器和压盘之间的距离进行调整,完成此操作。在移除离合器校准器后,离合器的两个部件将结合并根据其轴校准对齐。
* Images of products are symbolic. All dimensions are in mm, and weight in grams. All listed dimensions may vary in tolerance.

使用 (图片)

Place the spring plate on the clutch disc.

Turn the knob (3) until it touches the knob (2). Keeping the regulating screw still, unscrew the knob (1) and support it against the knob (2). Insert the device in the centre of the gear disc, passing it through the spring plate and press down.

Keeping the knob (2) in place, turn knob (1) and block the expanding cone in the centre of the clutch disc.

Tighten knob (3) until it touches the spring plate but without blocking the knob.

Manually centre the disc on the spring plate.

Keeping the assembly cantered, tighten knob (3) against the spring plate.

Place the clutch on the engine flywheel and fix it. Unscrew knob (3). Completely unscrew knob (1) and push to release the expanding cone. Remove the tool from the clutch.

使用 (视频)

  • 得心应手

  • 抓握有力

  • 顶级品质材料
