Our Values
Multidisciplinary approach to development
Unior is always considering users' needs when developing tools. By constant improvement of materials, new ergonomic solutions and the consideration of all safety aspects, the company has for decades proved to be the true partner of professional tool users. Unior is constantly monitoring the needs of professional users and consequently developing functional novelties - in compliance with the latest standards and trends on the international market. Original solutions assure excellent functionality, ergonomics provides more comfort at work and safety elements prevent injuries. Work is done faster and easier when using Unior tools. The development of tools for different purposes is based on computer modelling that is performed with the help of the most sophisticated computer programmes. The team of highly experienced specialists for individual fields participates in the development programme.
Náradie osvedčenej kvality.
Ručné náradie Unior je v súlade s európskymi a svetovými normami kvality. Unior sa snaží zabezpečiť vysokú kvalitu ručného náradia aj ako plne autorizovaný člen skupiny CEO (European Tools Committee). Spoločnosť Unior bola medzi prvými výrobcami ručného náradia v Európe, ktorá získala certifikát kvality ISO 9001, za vývoj, výrobu a marketing ručného náradia, plechových krytov pre ručné náradie a mechanické spracovanie kovaných dielov.
Nradie Unior je ** v zhode s normou DIN **. Od roku 1991 je náradie pre prácu pri napätí do 1000 V hrdo držiteľom ** certifikátu VDE **, vydaného Inštitútom VDE - „Pruf und Zertifizierungsinstitut“ z Offenbachu v Nemecku.
Unior následuje ** model excelentnosti EFQM **. Všetci zamestnanci sú zapojení do procesov vytvárania zlepšení kvality a vzájomného učenia sa. Zabezpečením kvality Unior spolupracuje s dodávateľmi, nákupcami a inými partnermi.

Industrial marketing
Own development, modern production lines, computer- controlled technology of recognized partners (Mori Seki, Miyano, Daewoo and others) together with the innovatively planned and flexible processes assure the top quality of production.
Unior's global expertise and the use of excellent machines and other equipment are engaged in all key phases; from mechanical and thermal processing to surface processing and protection of cold forging.
Environment management
Unior company takes into great account environmental protection, when it goes to production processes. Therefore, we have established an environmental management system that is in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001. It deals with different aspects: environmental protection, emergency procedures and safety at work.
The program of environment management includes reducing the consumption of resources, improves productivity of its technological processes and reduce negative environmental impacts.