Master kit tool case
Tehnički podaci
Više o proizvodu
Atributi proizvoda
- The toolbox is designed especially for bike tools; it’s made of heavy duty plastic and is waterproof and dustproof.
- Flaps in the lid can be closed tightly with the Velcro straps; when closed, they also secure the tools in place. Open flaps and inner part of the lid are equipped with 44 individual pockets to carry your tools. The biggest pockets can take our T-handle hexes up to size 10, and a special small pockets can securely hold L-shaped hex down to size 1.5 or similar small tools, so nothing ever gets lost.
- Two side tool trays with cut out SOS foam, dimensions 280 mm × 250 mm, will keep your tools in place. When not in use the trays are stored in the case, when working the trays can be fixed on the side of the case, enabling you to have all of the tools always at hand and more space on the table for other items. Side trays are built with metal chassis for stability and strength.
- Additional SOS foam tray for tools storage (dimensions 385 mm × 280 mm) at the bottom of the case.
- Additional space for spare parts and/or lubes.
- Wheels and retractable handle with safety latch for easy transportation
- Džepovi su sašiti iz izdržljivog najlonskog konca
- Blank trays for customization available separately, cut them yourself and create the ultimate tool case for your needs. We suggest using hot wire foam cutter or utility knife for cutting.
- Kofer je vodootporan te otporan na prašinu prašinu, u skladu s certifikatom IP67
- Na rubu poklopca nalazi se vodootporna brtva
- Automatski ventil za smanjenje tlaka zraka
- Robusne kopče za jednostavno i brzo otvaranje i zatvaranje
- Čvrsta ručka od mekane gume
- Kućište od masivne i robusne plastike
- Nehrđajuće najlonske igle
- Mogućnost korištenja lokota (nije uključeno)
- Aluminijska pregrada u donjoj ladici kofera za lakšu organizaciju alata
- Stranice se sklapaju u poklopac kofera za alat
- The lid can carry T handle hexes up to size 10
- Special safety tight pockets to hold small tools
- 44 pockets in total, three SOS foam trays that can fit 50 or more tools, small parts organizer

* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.
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Naša rješenja stvaraju UNIOR alat koji je prilagodljiv dijelovima za bicikle svih proizvođača. Naša tradicija, vlastiti dizajn, kao i konstantni tehnički razvoj i moderne tehnologije omogućavaju nam da smo uvijek korak ispred.Izvrsna izdržljivost
Unior ručni alati završavaju poslove brže i čine rad u ograničenom prostoru lakšim. Alati su prilagođeni za rad i na najnovijim modelima bicikala.