Garnitura viljuškastih ključeva u kartonskoj ambalaži

Atributi proizvoda

Set sadrži:

  • 8x ključ viljuškasti (artikal 110/1) dim. 6x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22
Naziv proizvoda SKU Stranica proizvoda Dimenzije - YouTube video kanal " Težina
Garnitura viljuškastih ključeva u kartonskoj ambalaži 602844 110/1CS 6 - 22 8 710
Ključ viljuškasti 110/1 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17, 18 x 19, 20 x 22 8
* Slike proizvoda su simbolične. Sve dimenzije su u mm, masa je u g.

Safety (Slike)

Never use an extension or any form of lever to increase the leverage of a wrench.

Don't use them to free a rusted nut or to finally tighten such a nut.

The nut must always be fully seated before use.

Never use a hammer on wrenches.

Never expose any wrench to excessive heat, which may change the hardness and metal structure and ruin the tool.

Wrenches should not be ground to change their shape.

Don't use a wrench which has been damaged and weakened by being bent, cracked or severely worn.

Use only hand force, never use any form of lever to increase the leverage.

Select a wrench whose opening exactly fits the chosen nut.

Always pull rather than push and always maintain a proper stance with your feet firm to maintain your balance.

Periodic inspection of hand tools by competent personnel is a safety must.

  • Dugotrajan profil

    The wrenches are made of Premium chrome vanadium steel with a greater density at the points of the highest pressure, and such dimensioning and manufacture only increase their extreme power and durability.
  • Sigurnosni rez

    Specijalan sigurnosni rez, kojim su izrađeni ključevi, spriječava oštećenja uglova i rubova vijaka i matica ravnomjernom distribucijom sile po površini kontura matica i vijaka umjesto direktno na same rubove.
  • Inovativan dizajn

    Unior ključevi svojim inovativnim dizajnom i vrhunskim performansama osiguravaju točnost i učinkovitost prijenosa sile na glave vijaka i matica.