Confirmada la calidad de las herramientas para el trabajo seguro en altura
El certificado TÜV confirma la seguridad de las herramientas manuales Unior para trabajos en altura.
El trabajo en altura requiere un cuidado especial y el cumplimiento de varias normativas que contribuyen a que este trabajo se realice con éxito y seguridad. Dado que implica muchos riesgos, no debe dejarse nada al azar. Cuando se trabaja en altura, la seguridad es de vital importancia, por lo que el diseño integral y estratégicamente adaptado de las herramientas utilizadas es de suma importancia. Por ello, Unior ha desarrollado herramientas que se fijan de forma que no entorpezcan ni distraigan en el trabajo, con soluciones de fijación especiales. Para ello, esto debe estar muy bien pensado y desarrollado, y las formas convencionales de pensar en el desarrollo de herramientas no son una opción en este caso. También es muy importante que la herramienta se pruebe al 100% y se inspeccione adecuadamente para su uso posterior.

And to ensure that our customers receive not only quality products, but also truly safety-certified products for work at height, we have had our tooling solutions for safe work at height tested by the renowned certification and testing body - TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH. The results of this certification have shown and proven that Unior tools and accessories for safe work at height are indeed suitable for safe work at height. To this end, we are very proud and pleased to have received the renewal of this certification for products designed for safe work at height. The certificate, which is fundamental to ensuring the high quality and safety of our tools, has been extended until 20 December 2026. The new validity of the certificate thus looks into the future, as we are committed to continuous improvement and to ensuring the highest safety standards.
We continue our tradition of being the leading manufacturer of hand tools in Europe, with our own production and product development. Sustainability and the high quality of these products are of paramount importance to us. The validation and renewal of the certification also confirms the strength of our brand. Unior remains a European tool manufacturer that, above all, cares about the local environment and the development and health of its employees.