VDE 绝缘两用十字(PH)螺丝刀



Article made according to VDE standardsScrewdriver profile, double crosstip, PZPremium hard chrome vanadium steelLifetime warranty


DIN EN IEC 60900 (VDE 0682-201):2019-04; EN IEC 60900:2018


  • 螺丝刀:切割器 - 特种工具钢、锻造、完全淬火与回火,完全淬火与回火
  • 黑色刀头
  • 手柄:符合人体工程学的形状
  • 手柄:聚丙烯
  • 挂孔
  • 根据ISO 8764-1,2标准和EN IEC 60900生产
编码Sign PZ profileAdditionsl lenghtLenght重量Sale
616482PZ06014534Till end of stock
616485PZ3150260156Till end of stock
* Images of products are symbolic. All dimensions are in mm, and weight in grams. All listed dimensions may vary in tolerance.

使用 (图片)

Ergonomic handle design for protecting your hands.

Large hand contact area for more torque power.

人体工程手柄设计 = 保护手部

较大的手部接触面积 = 更大的转矩功率

Safety tips

  • Use a screw holding screwdriver to get screws started in awkward, hard-to-reach areas.
  • Use a stubby screwdriver in close quarters where a conventional screwdriver cannot be used.
  • A rounded tip should be redressed with a file; make sure edges are straight.
  • Screwdrivers used in the shop are best stored in a rack. This way, the proper selection of the right screwdriver can be quickly made.
  • Keep the screwdriver handle clean; a greasy handle is apt to cause accidents.
  • A screwdriver should never be used as pry bar. If it is overstressed in this manner, the blade might break and send a particle of steel into the operator's arm or even towards his eyes.
  • VDE tools that have several parts, have to be assembled correctly before use.
  • When working with VDE tools avoid contact with water.
  • Don't use pliers on the handle of a screwdriver to get extra turning power. A wrench should only be used on the square shank or bolster of a screwdriver that is especially designed for that purpose.
  • Don't expose a screwdriver blade to excessive heat as it may reduce the hardness of the blade.
  • Don't use a screwdriver with a split or broken handle.
  • Don't use a regular screwdriver to check a storage battery or to determine if an electrical circuit is live.
  • Don't use tools that shows sign of wear and have the second layer of plastic visible.

Questions & Answers

  • Are insulated (VDE) tools considered as personal protective equipment (PPE)?
    According to EU regulations, VDE tools are not considered as PPE.
  • Are the VDE tools only being sampled in series production?
    The high voltage test (at 10kV) is performed fully on each tool. Other tests are performed in accordance with the EN60900 standard.
  • 终极保护

  • 优质钢材

  • VDE标准

    VDE绝缘和测试符合VDE标准,Unior的带电环境使用工具符合国际公认的欧洲EN 60900标准要求。