- 材料:特殊合金制成的把手,经久耐用
- 夹钳完全淬火与回火,钳齿另行感应淬火
- 可更换夹钳,磷酸盐处理
- 可调上夹钳
- 把手上漆
- 夹握、旋转或固定圆形或多边管道、螺母和法兰。
- 不可拆卸铆接金属环
- 每个工具上都标有工具重量
- 工具上的环足够大,可以容纳两根钩环
- Unior用于高空作业的工具被设计成保留工具的基本功能、人体工程学和效用,或者尽可能减少它们的附加功能。

* Images of products are symbolic. All dimensions are in mm, and weight in grams. All listed dimensions may vary in tolerance.
Safety tips

- Always change tools in secure areas where there is no risk of falling tools.
- Always use tools with Unior carabiners and never use carabiners with a diameter less than 6mm.
- Tools being used at height should regularly be checked for damage and that there is no damage to lanyards, carabiners, attachment rings or belts.

- Don't use tools without attaching them to your work belt when working at height.
- Don't use and fix damaged tools.
- Don't exceed maximum weight of 2.3kg for individual tools that a worker can attach to their belt.
Questions & Answers
Can we use a tool for working at height as a normal tool?A tool for working at height has the same usability as a normal tool, except that a non-removable riveted metal buckle is added to this tool.
Does the stated weight per tool for safe work at height also include the weight of the metal ring?The weight of the tool marked on the tool, included also weight of metal ring
Tools for working at heights are standard tools equipped with attachment points. secured tools significantly increase job safety.高精度